Monday, May 9, 2011

WZ Photoshot-Trip (First Post)

Hy Guys,

Here comes my first post. 
These picts were taken while my classmates and i were having a photoshooting-trip at Brastagi 09 January 2011 as the picts of our memories album.
Yeah it was a really tiring-nice-trip. Joy and lot of memories.
But.. 1 person was not coming caused of having ill -___-

Hope you can enjoy it!

The Story of WohlerZogen :
The story started when a bunch of boys & girls met at Senior Highschool 2- SUTOMO 2.
Even though they came from a vast group of differing personalities, backgrounds, races, characteristics, appearances, and religions,
these very differences didn't become a barrier to them. In fact, they were the driving force in making these peeps realized their hidden potentials, helping them to become more powerful and harmonically connected both in heart and soul.
Now , this particular collective name themselves WOHLERZOGEN " WOrship - Humble - LEadeRship - ZealOus - GENerous"